Saturday Rides
The Saturday Club Training Ride is aimed to facilitate the long endurance session in a cyclist’s weekly training.
Our routes vary in length from 80km (50miles) upwards and are ridden at a reasonable pace. We try our best not to drop any riders to ensure nobody is left behind or abandoned if you have a puncture or mechanical issue, although we advise you arrive with all the nessecary tools and equipment to get you out of a pickle. Average pace is usually between 28 and 30 km/h (17 and 19mph).
Mid-way through the ride we usually aim for a well-earned coffee and cake break at a tried and tested establishment along the route.
Non-members are always welcome to come and try the ride. Bikes must be in good working order, and suitable for road cycling in a group. We also ask that anyone attending a club ride wears a helmet and obeys the Highway Code at all times.
We meet year-round in the Car Park, Brookley Rd in Brockenhurst on Saturday’s at 8.50 A.M for a 9.00 A.M start.