Weekly Round-up: 28 July 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

NFCC Ten Series Rd.8: P128

Almost perfect condition for round 10 of the NFCC Ten Series on P128. Results from the night can be found by CLICKING HERE.

RCR Goodwood Summer Special R1

Phill Brown joined the peloton at the first round of three “Summer Specials” hosted by Seb Otley and his team from Racing Club Ravena at Goodwood Motor Circuit. An attritional race saw Brown part of a three-man breakaway that lasted for a handful of laps before being reeled back in at the half-way point. A touch of wheels at over 60km/h in the lead out to the sprint saw a number of riders go down, but Brown swerved the incident and crossed the line to finish 13th.

…a3crg Goodwood Closed Circuit TT League

Ben George and James Noah were again in action at the …a3crg Goodwood Closed Circuit TT League on wednesday evening. Ben crossing the line in 21:25 and James in 23:37.

Saturday Club Ride

This week’s ride was slightly longer than usual at 133Km buy a little less hilly than some of the recent excursions. The route was pretty much in and around the forest and traffic was not too bad considering it was school holidays. It was enough to tempt sixteen riders to brave the sunshine and make the start at Brockenhurst. For the first time in a few weeks there were a number of fast riders out, so we had our usual Group One and Group Two split. Unfortunately for Group One, one of the riders was Jay “Fenton” Tarrant who was intent on making the group ride a survival of the fittest contest and kept riding off the front in his own inimitable style. But as usual it was a flame that burned brightly and quickly petered out. Group One did its usual disintegration post coffee stop. Normally such behaviour would get Jay a week in the barrel but a moment of incompetence in Group Two spared Jay and settled the “award” before halfway. Barry was leading the group, on a route that he devised, was following the route on his head unit in North Charford and still managed to lead the group down the wrong turning. Inexcusable.

Whilst on the subject of the hapless Saturday leader, he is nothing if not on trend with the Grand Tours. The Giro D’Itlaia and the Tour de France are including gravel stages in their events. Once again, the club route took us down roads that gave a choice of gravel in the middle or nettle rash at the sides. This time in Braemore but you can be certain that Barry will find more rough tracks and more gravel and more chance to get ravaged by nettles in the coming weeks. Rumours that he is being sponsored by local bike shops and is on commission for replacement tyres are to be confirmed. The groups met up for coffee at The Potting Shed and enjoyed refreshments in the garden. Neil S peeled off for a rendezvous in Newbury and Richard (only here for the cake) P took his place. After the resumption of the ride, we started to shed riders as usual and by the time we got close to Brockenhurst only four were left. Matt M and Rupert bailed there. Phil J and Barry were the only riders remaining at the end and paid for it with a headwind back from Hatchet Pond where conversation stopped and teether were gritted. Phil subsequently rounded it up for a magnificent century ride. Thanks, as usual to all that made it a great day in the sun.

Sunday Club Ride

The warmest Sunday of 2024 tempted 16 riders to the start line for this weeks Sunday club ride. We split into two groups with those keen to have a faster ride starting out first. The forecast was a very mild north westerly so we are a little surprised to find a moderately stiff head wind as we set out. Never mind we thought, we will be treated to a nice tail-wind finish. Both groups reached the base of Bolderwood without incident but group one suffered a very close pass by a van which did little for everyone’s nerves and tempers and in group two Jane was treated to her first ever tubeless puncture. In a mere thrice however, this was fixed by David using his magical Dynaplug worm tool thing, quite impressive. A quick pump, using some kind of magical inflating tool ( also David’s, what a hero) and we were back on the road.

Despite the headwind, spirits were good as we reached the turning point, girded our loins and set off to summit everyone’s least favourite hill, Pipers Wait. Complaints at the route were somewhat stifled as we passed a group of young women all packing about 20 kilo’s of kit in panniers, frame packs and riding heavy bikes making their way up without complaint, some might say enjoying themselves. Having summited Pipers wait we were all slightly dismayed to find that the wind had completely changed direction and was once more hitting us in a faceward direction.
Shortly afterwards we navigated what must have been the 10th large group of donkeys that we had come across. Just as we got back into an nice orderly group we were close passed by a car, the driver of which then thought it would be a great idea to slam the brakes on causing the whole group to disperse left and right. A frank exchange of views took place through the open drivers window which could best be described as fruitless. Anyway, these things do little for the mood of the group. We headed back to Brock a little subdued and then up to Setley ridge for much needed refreshments. The sun continued to shine and considering how busy the cafe was, we all got our vittles in good time. A good ride despite the spittle-monger and plague of donkeys.

CTT National 24 Time Trial Championships

Huge congrats to NFCC’s time trial superstar Sein vdP who finished as the fourth female in the CTT National 24 hour time trial – on her road bike! Thanking her support team for their effort at the event, Sein managed to cover a whopping 390.46 Miles. Chapeau!

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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