Weekly Round-up: 20 Oct 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Gravel ‘n’ Grog Tuesday

A dark ‘Gravel ‘n’ Grog’ ride for those brave enough to head out on Tuesday evening. Riders met up at 5.45 in Lyndhurst car park ready to set off at 6.00. The route down to Brockenhurst is pretty easy riding with a handful of gates to navigate. The gates proved a handy way of keeping the group entertained into the darkness before refreshments at The Vibrant Tap.

Saturday Club Ride

Thirteen riders made the start for this weeks club ride. With the forecast at the time of planning not too favourable, this weeks ride was a modest 111Km and kept close to home. Firstly going east to Calshot and then back across the forest to Burley before turning back to Brock. As it turned out it was wonderful riding weather but the roads were in quite a state with a lot of standing water to contend with.

Thanks to our wonderful club kit being both stylish and well priced, we pride ourselves on being well turned out and a very smart peloton. However, once winter riding starts sartorial elegance can take a back seat to practicality. This week, we were treated to an ensemble from Micheal which was a hi vis orange jacket over some flouro bit tights. We assumed he had just come off a night shift with Network Rail or putting cones out on the M27 but no it was just pragmatism for his early start from Fordingbridge. As the barrel has no sympathy or feelings of fairness it is only right that Micheal makes his debut this week for crimes against cycling fashion.
The thirteen riders set off in a dog licence split (seven and six – ask your grandparents kids). Group One were soon supplemented by Ben G having missed the start for a second week running and Ray. Ray our mileage monster from Paris – Brest – Paris, Lands End to John O’Groats both ways, London – Edinburgh – London and countless other mega rides needed to join at Hatchet Pond to save the 20Km return part to Brockenhurst! A quick emergency stop at Sowley Pond for group one for Phill G to remove ad take hostage the twig that charmed it way into his rear derailleur – keeping it with him for the remainder of the ride – a novel use for his new cargo shorts, that’s for sure!
Coffee was taken in splendid sunshine in the garden at Steff’s in Beaulieu. Here we parted with Adrian who was on his first club ride for a while. We were delighted that Adrian appeared to have fixed his long term creaking bottom bracket but we later worked out that was only managed by changing to his winter bike. We will know that spring has arrived when we hear the first Cuckoo and the first creak from Adrian’s bottom bracket! On the subject of winter bike prep thanks to all for the number of mudguards on display including a very Heath Robinson solution from Phill B. The major miscreant was Smithy who despite his recent retirement and having all week to effect a solution failed. As a result he was the only rider with a massive skid mark on his derrière to show for his ride.
Group one set out from the coffee stop with Phill Harris lagging a little behind due to gilet zip problems that became a theme through the rest of the ride… Phill B hung back with Phil H and once zipped up, the pair got 300m up the road before a nail was spotted hitching a free ride in Phil H’s rear tyre. The rest group one stuck to Robert S’s wheel and made it all the way to Lymington before they even realised the two Phil(l)’s were missing.
The rides carried on in good humour and good pace until Rope Hill in Pilley where puncture magnet Phil H became deflated again after the earlier ironmongery in his rear wheel and needed to effect a further repair. Long abandoned by his friends in group one, his reputation with repairing a puncture was going to be like dragging a 50 ton anchor for the rest of the day. We’re convinced Phill B dropped back from Group One not to help specifically, but just to enjoy the best value spectator sport the club has to offer. Once repaired and ready to go, Harris was agaon left behind fiddling with the zip on his gilet.
Heading towards Longslade, a rider was misidentified as being off the back and a shout stopped the peloton in their tracks – realising the rider wasn’t with the group, everyone… nearly everyone set off again. Phil H and his zipper troubles were left behind once again… As we approached Burley there were cries of “second coffee” from the ranks. Barry having ceded to the demand last week replied that the ride wasn’t hard enough to warrant one and one hadn’t been earned so we by-passed Burley and headed for Brock as planned.
Phil H had not finished with his puncture shenanigans at this stage. By this time having lost all the sealant in his rear tyre he was making regular stops to pump up his ailing tyre. Not satisfied with the rear tyre getting all of Phil’s love and attention his front tyre decided to join in the fun. At this point, Phil decided to cut short and head home and do an interval session of many repeats of pump, pedal, stop before finally throwing the towel in about a mile from home. We look forward to seeing him on new tyres next week…
As far as I know Phil G was the only centurion this week. With 161.38Km recorded it was another one of those strange co-incidences of a ride finishing just over the 160.93Km mark!
Just another regular Saturday ride!
– Barry

Sunday Club Ride

No Sunday Club Ride this week due to the arrival of Storm Alex reaching a solid 9.5 on the Phil Harris Misery Index.

Wessex CX 24/25 – Rd.6: Popham

The renowned Wessex League mud returned for this week’s race at Popham Airfield hosted by Pedalon/NHRC. Find out how Team NFCC managed to fight their way through their mud by CLICKING HERE.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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