Weekly Round-up: 06 Oct 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Gravel ‘n’ Grog Tuesday

Another successful ‘Gravel ‘n’ Grog’ ride on Tuesday evening. A group of club members met up at 5.45 in Lyndhurst car park ready to set off at 6.00. The route down to Brockenhurst is pretty easy riding with a handful of gates to navigate. The gates proved a handy way of keeping the group together into the darkness.

Saturday Club Ride

Twelve riders assembled for this week’s club ride on a chilly at first, windy, but thankfully sunny Saturday. It was decided to split the peloton into two and head north with the benefit of a nice tailwind and meet up at the coffee stop in Broughton. The ride was a hilly 122Km ride north, back down south around East Boldre and back to Brockenhurst. Finding a candidate for the barrel this week looked like a tough ask. All riders immaculately turned out in club kit. Twelve bikes zipping along like perfectly well oiled machines. Riders in close formation and tight groups. Plus, all the usual suspects being well behaved. Have no fear we have a new inductee. Despite the USAF kindly putting up GPS satellites for our benefit. Mr Garmin and Mr Wahoo developing fine computers to help us follow pre planned routes, Group One managed to split, miss a turn and half of them arrive at the coffee stop after Group Two. Welcome to the barrel Joe and shame on you for trying to shift some of the blame onto Dan as well!

Refreshments were enjoyed at the Community Shop in Broughton which had another plus to the excellent fare and service in that it was a lovely, sheltered sun trap that made us forget that the next couple of hours were going to be into a stiff headwind. As usual, when we head north, we picked up Richard P at the café who can sniff out a coffee and cake stop better than a hungry Labrador. We headed south into the wind, Sean proved that he is definitely the next in line for club canonisation after St Phil of Lyndhurst. He repeatedly dropped back to pull riders back to the front whilst blocking the wind. Chapeau Sean. As we got back into the forest we started to shed riders as usual. Joe, Ben T and Smithy all left us at Furzley so it was smaller pelotons that make it back to Brock. After a second coffee Graham rounded up to yet another century.
– Thanks to all for another enjoyable club ride – Barry

Sunday Club Ride

I feared the worst for this weekends Sunday club ride. The forecast was ‘meh’, rising to ‘Yuck’ with a chance of ‘ hell no’. Despite that, approximately eight turned up to the start. As things turned out it was quite a pleasant temperature and the rain barely tested our waterproofs ( An adequate test for Jane’s new Club Endura packable however, which got the thumbs up). We seemed to cruise around without much effort. In my case that may have been the result of everyone taking turns at the front but equally by the distraction of good conversation. The ride was interrupted briefly by a puncture for Joe which was expertly dealt with by the group using Jane’s extensive puncture repair collection which keeps handily about her person. This was followed ( about 100 metres later) by my own tyre springing a leak and Jane coming to the rescue again. Despite the flats we made the cafe in time for the breakfast menu, so all was well. All in all a thoroughly enjoyable Club ride.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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