Sunday Club Ride 4th August 2024

Sunday Club Ride 4th August 2024
Meet as usual in Brookley rd car park, Brockenhurst at 8.50 for a 9.00a.m start.
First a little housekeeping.
Occasionally it’s good to have a little reset so I just want to mention a few of the base lines for the Sunday club rides which are applicable to both faster and slower groups alike.
Firstly the obvious. We always follow the highway code, Most of us ride in club kit and we need to be ambassadors both for the club and for cyclists and cycling in general.
Where the roads allow, we ride two abreast, in two straight and tidy lines. When it’s safer to do so or if a car needs to pass and it’s safe to allow them to do so we go into single file. A call of car back is useful so that the rider at the front can judge what action to take.
It’s always a strictly no-drop ride. That goes equally for both groups. If you are near the back and see someone dropping off, let those in front know so that they can ease the pace or stop. No problem sprinting up a hill so long as you wait at the top or next junction to regroup.
If the faster group is pushing the pace, do so as a team whether using through and off or by using stronger riders at the front. Work together and keep communicating. Someone is always going to be the one struggling on a fast ride. It might not be you this week but it might be you the next week.
If anyone is struggling on a particular week, don’t be afraid to say so. We can reduce the pace or even take a short cut if required and possible. The Sunday rides were created to be inclusive. I would like it to remain both a safe, enjoyable group to ride in and one with a sound ethical and empathetic culture.
Here endeth….
Forecast for Sunday looks pretty good.
Route downloadable here:
Finish as usual in Daisy tea rooms, Settley Ridge for excessive vittles.
Hope to see an epic turnout as usual.
Phil H

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