Club Rides – Saturday 24th December

Slight change to the usual this week as Christmas Day falls on a Sunday so we’re running both the Saturday and Sunday rides on Saturday this week. No idea how many riders will turn up as weather forecast is not great but hopefully there will be some pent up demand for a club ride after the recent freeze.


So, plan is to meet at 0850 for a 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst as usual. Hopefully we will have enough riders for two different rides:


Route A is 80K around East Boldre, St Leonards, Bucklers Hard, Beaelieu, Lepe, Calshot with the coffee stop at Steff’s in Beaulieu at 53Km so theoretically about 2 hours into the ride at Saturday pace.


Route B is similar but only 57Km missing out the Calshot part with the coffee stop at Steff’s in Beaulieu at 47Km so theoretically just under 2 hours into the ride at Sunday pace.


So, if we do run two rides, we will hopefully not all arrive at exactly the same time. If numbers are low, we may default to route B and ride to the pace of the Sunday ride.


If the weather is inclement the rides are short enough to run non stop if we decide to and the Route A can also shorten and take the Route B from Beaulieu to Brock if desired.


Hope that makes sense and hope to see a good turnout for Saturday


Barry, Phil and Phil

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