Club Ride – 28th December 2024

Meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Being cognisant that some riders might have even more Enforced Family Fun that could limit their time out on Saturday, the route has been planned as a two loop ride with a 60Km loop back for coffee in Brock for those that need to get back home, and another 50Km loop back to The Absent Pony (who are open on Saturday) for the Second Coffee Club. Also, cognisant that some riders might want to avoid even more Enforced Family Fun there will be an option to plan a third loop at the coffee stop post ride!


Route can be downloaded from Plot A Route here:


Or Ride With GPS here:




Hope to see a good turnout for the last Saturday ride of the year. Pace will depend on the amount of Christmas Dinner eaten by all!



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