Club Ride 22nd February 2025

Usual meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Whisper it but there is a chance that the mercury could touch double digits this week, no rain and even a glimpse of a strange yellow object in the sky. So hopefully we’ll see the return of some of the Saturday morning duvet huggers dusting off their bikes. Mind you, I’m writing this 72 hours in advance so plenty of chance to be proved wrong – again!

Planned route is a 107Km loop around the forest. Route can be downloaded from Plot A Route here:

or Ride with GPS here:

or with a short URL here:

Coffee stop is a little later than usual at 64Km and will be at the club favourite Potting Shed. Optional Second Coffee Club at The Absent Pony at ride end.

Please keep registering for the ride in Spond it’s a great help to be able to advise the café how many to expect.


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