Club Ride 8th March 2025

Usual meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Looks like the weather gods are going to be smiling on us again this Saturday. Still looks like the roads will be wet after Friday’s rain so please keep with the mudguards for a bit longer as it’s still going to be winter riding for a while yet.

With the warmer weather and an optimistic disposition this week’s ride will feature an outdoor coffee stop at the Community Shop in Minstead at the 50Km mark.

Planned route is 100Km which will appease those desperate to get back for the 6 Nations key game or Strade Bianche.

Route can be downloaded from Plot A Route here:

Ride with GPS here:

or with a short URL here:


Hope to see another good turnout


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