Club Ride 8th February 2025
Usual meet at 0850 for an 0900 depart from the main car park in Brookley Road, Brockenhurst. Forecast is a little chilly (again) but looks pleasant enough for a winter ride. Keeping the route reasonably local in case things need to change at the last minute. Planned route is 101Km with a coffee stop at The Potting Shed at the 50Km mark. Optional second coffee club at The Absent Pont at rides end.
Route can be downloaded from Plot A route Here:
or Ride with GPS here:
Keep signing up in Spond it makes it a lot easier for the cafes if I can give them a good idea of numbers in advance. Also, keep checking the website and Spond for any last minute changes of plan. At time of posting it doesn’t look like a risk of ice but if it worsens a change of plan may be required.