Wessex CX 24/25 – Rd.6: Popham

The classic cyclocross mud has returned to the Wessex League. Despite reports last week that Popham is “well draining” and “never muddy”, this week’s rain proved that anywhere can be a mudfest. The course was undulating with lots of slippy corners, a couple of steep banks and some wooded sections.

Jay was the lone vet40 rider for NFCC this week. A good start got him well placed but Jay didn’t feel like he had the legs today and had a couple of tumbles. Still some great riding to finish 5th.

Emma was next up and was gridded front row for the first time and got a great start. Despite slowing slightly in the middle of the race, Emma put in a great performance and some excellent cornering on the final lap got her into a sprint finish for 4th senior. A close one but it was 5th for Emma.

The senior men were, for once, the most represented category for NFCC with Joe joined by Henry Lloyd Williams making his cx debut. By this point the rain  had stopped and the sun was out, nicely drying the ground out for the hardest race of the day in thick, sticky mud. Both riders had good starts but the mud quickly took its toll on the bikes, both riders having to stop to clear the mud at times and with more running than there should be in a bike race. Both riders persevered to the finish with Joe finishing a very respectable 14th and Henry in 32nd. A great start given the number of DNFs.

Next Sunday its off to Kingsclere for Round 7.

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