Weekly Round-up: 22 Sep 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Gravel ‘n’ Grog Tuesday

Despite the fabulous weather only 6 or 7 made the start for this weeks Gravel n Grog ride. As usual we reached the rendezvous point at Brockenhurst with a few minutes to spare and picked up a couple more riders there. Weather remained great although we couldn’t help but notice a significant dip in temperatures as dusk settled in. We met up with an unusually grumpy Lucy near the end of the route who took out her temper on a few short hills. The ride was rounded off as usual with a well earned pint before we made our own ways home in what was by now unarguably nighttime. Rumour has it that there is a by-law in the forest that it should not be used at night which obviously is generally ignored but whether we can continue to run an official club ride, in club kit etc when it is dark throughout the ride is open to discussion (probably not). Anyway for the next week or so if folk keep turning up we’ll keep running it.

Saturday Club Ride

With a weather forecast that could best be described as “iffy” only twelve brave souls made the start this week for a ride to the Chalke Valley. With a couple having to peel off early to keep domestic harmony we went out as a single peloton. There was a large sportive on the forest this weekend, so the route was carefully plotted to avoid the masses and the usual dodgy overtaking that happens with mass participation events. The route was a lumpy 126Km that took us north, then along the Chalke Valley and back home via the west of the forest. Phil J made the start having recovered from his run in with a deer on Thursday evening. The incident caused some scratches to his beloved Cannondale so despite being a vegetarian for many years he is thinking about making an exception for venison now.

As previously mentioned, there was a forecast of some wind and showers and that meant that riders turned up in all levels of attire, from the stripped down Belgian hard man look of Sean to the hermitically sealed Phil H. With temperatures set to reach 20C we think that someone had hacked Phil’s phone and made his weather app report in Fahrenheit not Celsius as he turned up in winter bib tights, jersey, new club packable jacket (thanks Joe another good addition to club kit). Fresh from being in the barrel last week for his Di2 failure, Matt K turned up beaming as all seemed well with his bike. Having done nothing more than charged it and prayed to the gods of electronic shifting his smiles turned to frowns when his bike once again became a single speed. How much fun it was to watch an ace climber ziz zag his was up the hill from Ebbesbourne Wake like a 90Kg sprinter inching up the Angliru. To everyone’s amusement after making the climb in a difficult and inappropriate gear his Di2 sprang back into life. We look forward to the third instalment in the saga next week so we might as well keep Matt in the barrel until the fun stops.
Before we reached the coffee stop Ben T did a sterling job taking one for the team pacing the group into the headwind along the Chalke Valley before peeling off. Coffee stop was at the Community Shop in Broad Chalke which was excellent as always. Smithy was suffering a bit after his holiday and lack of climbing practice but luckily St Phil of Lyndhurst was providing great support dropping back and pacing the back markers back to the group. Along with sprinting ahead to take some excellent photos that was another strong shift from Phil. Having carefully plotted a route to avoid the sportive, Phil G advised Barry that his route through Ringwood would take us right through the town’s carnival so a bit of a replan was required. As we approached Ringwood, Smithy peeled off as the Morris Dancers were one short and needed him. Three more peeled off at Braggers and it was a reduced group that made it back to Brock. Graham, Phil H and Mark all rounded things up to 100 miles plus so extra kudos to them.
Thanks all for another fun Saturday, good group riding, camaraderie and for all those who did some good turns on the front.

Sunday Club Ride

This weeks Sunday club ride fell prey to the terrible weather forecast which promised both heavy rain and electrical storms throughout the morning. I’m not sure how many of the electrical storms showed up but, in the north of the forest at least, the heavy rain didn’t disappoint.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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