Weekly Round-up: 8 Sep 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

Gravel ‘n’ Grog Tuesday

Another successful ‘Gravel ‘n’ Grog’ ride on Tuesday evening. A group of club members met up at 5.45 in Lyndhurst car park ready to set off at 6.00. The route down to Brockenhurst is pretty easy riding with a handful of gates to navigate. The gates proved a handy way of keeping the group together. 

Saturday Club Ride

A bit of a change to the usual route this week with a 165Km hilly ride out to the west courtesy of Graham. Two start points were scheduled, only Matt M, Steve and Barry made the Brockenhurst start but picked up Graham at Bolderwood and another group at Moyles Court. Then Ben T at Fordingbridge. Lucy had ridden ahead with plans to meet us near the coffee stop. This was a significantly better turn out that the last wet club ride and there were obviously a number of riders wishing to avoid the scorn of Neil S by being put off by a wet forecast and a repeat of his Billy No Mates ride of a couple of weeks back.

There was a lot of conjecture as to the best clothing for their day as every weather app seemed to give us a different opinion so we went west with hopes that the better forecasts would be the ones that were realised – WRONG!
All was very pleasant, riding through some lanes that were unfamiliar to some of us and then when thoughts were turning to a well earned coffee stop in about 10Km we left Blandford Forum and routermaster Graham had kindly put a 4Km and a 3Km climb just to make sure that everyone had a massive calorie deficit. Those of us who find gravity a challenge, do not need the kind of showboating we saw from Phil G on these challenges. As we ground up the hills, we were treated to Phil speeding off into the distance as if gravity was something in our imagination and didn’t affect him, getting to the summit and riding down again to do repeats of the climbs just to make the inadequates feel even more inadequate. This is a new offence for the Saturday ride and earns him a week in the barrel.
We duly descended to Milton Abbas and were treated to excellent refreshments and superbly service from The View. All agreed that this was as good as any place we have had the pleasure of stopping in. We sheltered for a while whilst a shower passed but alas that was not the only one of the day. Onwards we went and onto a path that may have been a road long ago. Unfortunately, Phil G (but it could be karma for the aforementioned showboating) picked up a puncture here. It was quite surprising given the amount of debris that had been washed onto the roads that it was the only one of the day. Plus, the amount of “Dorest Mud” on the roads. This is a euphemism for the road covering that is a by product from a cow’s digestive system). Phil duly went about repairing his tyre and to avoid all the helpful advice he was getting from the less mechanically able members of the group gave them some toys (old inner tubes, patches, pumps etc) to play with so he could continue without interference. It must be said that this was not Phil’s quickest repair due to a faulty inner tube but it still wouldn’t get in Phil H’s top 10!
The weather now turned on us so it was a two hour ride back to the forest in the rain. Those that were talking of rounding up the ride to 200Km were soon disabused of that thought and decided that 100m miles or so was more than enough on a wet afternoon that was getting worse. Despite the weather, another excellent ride on some different roads with good company as usual. Work on the front of the group was largely shared and appreciated by all. Hopefully we’ll get a few dry rides in before the autumn request for mudguards is issued.

Sunday Club Ride

In wake of the NFCC Autumn 10 Time Trial being cancelled due to the very strong likelihood of bad weather Budge decided to follow his usual Sunday routine and head to Brock to join the club ride. In contrast to recent weeks, only three mad souls gathered for the start. Both Geoff and Budge shed their coats and the trio including Richard B set off, to be joined at the car park entrance by Ed in full summer kit and no coat! They just about made it up 10 bends before the heavens opened and they stopped to get dressed again. Heading for Mead End, the solitary figure of Pete N came pedalling through the ‘river’ towards them, on his way home to get out of the rain. The mad guy then turned round to make it a quintet as they tried to avoid the now hidden pot holes! On reaching Sway, Geoff took the wise decision to turn for home and the remaining quartet pedalled gloriously on to complete the full planned route. Richard even made it back to Brock before returning to Hatchett and home to Lyndhurst. The final two said goodbye to Ed as he was close to home, as Pete and Budge went up the hill for a coffee at Setley Ridge to wait for the sun to come out for their respective rides home. The Sunday riders thought about Stewart doing LeJog and Phil Harris half way up Snowdon and hoped they both had better weather!

Wessex CX 2024/25: Rd.2 Fairthorn

Round two of the Wessex Cyclocross league, this week returning to an old-school course at Fairthorn. Jay Tee had his usual dramatic start – getting a good jump off the line but forgetting to ensure his feet were clipped in for the first corner – think octopus juggling ice cubes!. Despite his amateur dramatics, Jay managed to fight his way back through the pack to finish third in his age-category. Joe Shepherd was in action and despite his usual reputation, all he had to say about the event was “Didn’t have to run much, only over the planks…” Chapeau.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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