Weekly Round-up: 12 Aug 2024

All the latest news, events, and results from NFCC Members from this week’s two-wheeled adventures…

NFCC Ten Series Rd.10 – P163

The final time trial of the 2024 season. Results from the night can be found by CLICKING HERE.

RCR FatCreations Goodwood (another) Summer Special

A team of five riders went from the whistle in Tuesday night’s RCR FatCreations Goodwood (another) Summer Special race at the renowned circuit near Chichester. Phill Brown was seen in action in the main pack once again and despite his best efforts to make and chase various other escape efforts from the peloton, he ended up on the wrong side of another split in the group and crossed the line just outside the top 20.

Thursday ChainGang

On a damp evening after a very wet day only Phil H made the start line for this weeks chain gang. It was neither a chain nor a gang. Hopefully the forecast of better weather for next Thursday will tempt a few out.

Saturday Club Ride

A good turnout for this week’s club ride despite it being peak holiday season. Enough riders for two well matched groups. We also welcomed Harvey for his first ride with the club. The pelotons headed east towards Hatchet Pond for a circuit around East Boldre and then another one around Lepe. Here we had the first of a few minor mechanicals with Sean’s saddlebag being the culprit. Barry went back to collect Sean and the two of them rode 2-Up to catch the rest of the group. Here the clubs “big beasts” saw three other “big beasts” as they spotted some African Water Buffalo in a field on Stanswood Road.
The rides continued north to Minstead for the mid ride coffee stop. The village was buzzing as it was the Minstead Village Fete on the green but luckily for us the shop was not too busy, we all got served, all found a seat and Smithy had his usual cushion. After coffee we lost a couple of riders with other commitments and headed west towards Bolderwood where we found a stricken James with Di2 issues stuck in his smallest sprocket. He had left Group One and had to make a change of plan and cut short. Onwards to Moyles Court and heading south to Braggers Lane before finishing the 125Km route at Brockenhurst.
All this way and nobody in the barrel? Amazingly the ride finished that way with nothing to report that was barrel worthy. Possibly due to some of the serial offenders being absent this week! Both rides were quite pacey. Group Two probably due to a lot more riders doing some very strong turns on the front to thanks to everybody for the hard work. I think Neil S was the only rider to round up to 100 miles plus this week so extra kudos to him.

Sunday Club Ride

Another beautiful morning welcomed 16 riders to the start line this week. Phil’s expert route planning had failed to take into account that our route was almost identical with that of a mass pony and trap meet-up and ride. A last minute, some might say hasty route change was agreed upon which would see us head up to Nomansland and back albeit with the compromise that we would go down the dreaded pipers wait hill rather than up and then back up the less fearsome Bramshaw hill. We split into two groups of 9 and 7 because someone can’t count with the idea this week that both groups would be easy paced. That did last for a while but at some stage the pace in group one started to raise and a pretty jaunty speed was held into the headwind across Ocknell plain. Pipers wait going down was, as usual wet, much to the dismay of those that had broken out the spanking white anniversary jerseys from the back of the cupboards. Dirty splatterings were unavoidable. One way or another that hill’s gonna get ya. On the return route we took advantage of the tailwind across Ocknell plain with everyone enjoying a nice draft and some p.b’s in the rare easterly wind, unless that is, you were one of the poor schmucks at the front. With Andrew.D and James.M dropping off we were down to 5 and then with Dan S heading home just 4 of group one made the cafe. Group two must have been setting a decent pace as they arrived pretty shortly afterwards. Very pleasant, sunny ride and great to catch up with some of the group one regulars.

Get Involved:

If you find yourself out and about representing NFCC, don’t forget to jot down a few words, snap a few photos and send them over to press@newforestcc.co.uk.

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